
North Shore: 847-647-0902 In The City: 773-569-3276 South: 708-352-0400
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Our website utilizes an AI (Artificial Intelligence) Chatbot, powered by ChatGPT, which is programmed to provide helpful information and assistance based on available data and predefined algorithms. While the Chatbot aims to offer accurate and helpful responses, its information may not always be exhaustive, up-to-date, or tailored to individual circumstances. It should not be considered a substitute for professional advice from one of our staff members. Users are encouraged to verify critical information and consult with our office for specific concerns or decisions. We do not assume liability for actions taken based on the Chatbot’s responses. Any interaction with our AI Chatbot does not constitute the rendering of contracting advice, nor does it establish any type of business relationship with Budget Construction Company. By using our website and its Chatbot, you acknowledge and agree to these terms.



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